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Natural Treatments PCOS

Natural treatments for PCOS rely on rebalancing the metabolic and hormonal abnormalities that drive the condition. It’s worth remembering that about 30% of young women have polycystic ovaries (but not PCOS), their cycles are regular, and they have no fertility issues due to the polycystic ovaries. 

The challenges facing the majority of women with PCOS are:

  • Reducing insulin resistance
  • Lowering testosterone levels
  • Lowering luteinising hormone (LH) levels and improving the LH: FSH ratio
  • Raising SHBG levels

If these issues are resolved, it’s possible to restore regular cycle lengths, raise egg quality (a major issue for PCOS women attending IVF clinics) and have natural pregnancies.

Natural treatments for PCOS exist that are more successful than medication or IVF, without the unwanted side effects. Morefertile has researched these, and we believe they’re viable alternatives or co-treatments for women with PCOS. 

Weight loss

Weight loss is a crucial treatment plan for most women with PCOS, but it isn’t easy to know which approach will be most successful for you. We believe our researched PCOS weight loss plan works well alongside PFP guidance.

Nutritional supplements

Nutritional supplements we have researched:

  • Reduce insulin resistance better and safer than metformin
  • Reduced testosterone levels (by over half) and hyper-androgenism
  • Lower BMIs
  • Improve ovulation rates & egg quality
  • Raise IVF-ET or ICSI clinical pregnancy rates with (less stimulation needed)
  • Improve egg quality & implantation rates, & reduce miscarriage rates
  • Improve Clomid treatment outcomes
  • Reduced risk of gestational diabetes (from 54% to 17.4%) & cholesterol levels

Herbal supplements

Herbal supplements sourced by morefertile are backed by robust research:

(i) Herbal combinations based on PFPs are THREE TIMES more effective than Clomid (without thinning the womb lining or raising the risk of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy).

(ii) Medicinal herbs for women with PCOS who take Clomid significantly increases: 

  • Ovulation rates
  • Pregnancy rates
  • And prevents thinning of the womb lining

(iii) The addition of medicinal herbs to overweight women with PCOS who are adjusting lifestyle brings significant benefits after three months: 

  • 33% more likely to have regular periods, and cycles lengths are 43 days shorter on average
  • Pregnancy rates are 3.9x higher!
  • Quality of life is better, with less depression, anxiety or stress
  • Increased weight loss of 3kg on average
  • Plus, lower insulin and Bp levels

(iv) Combining herbs before IVF brings significant benefits: 

  • Better egg retrieval and fertilisation rates
  • Higher pregnancy rates and birth rates
  • More deliveries at full term
  • Lower AMH levels

The microbiome

Research into the relationship between the microbiome and PCOS is gathering pace. There are strong connections between gut flora and PCOS, with researchers suggesting abnormal gut flora causes PCOS. i Supplementation regimes show promising results in reversing PCOS by reducing gut inflammation and altering metabolism. ii

The microbiome alters drug and therapy responses and has become a therapy itself. PCOS progression and characteristics. Premium membership of morefertile brings access to tests for vaginal and gut microbiomes and bespoke products to reverse abnormalities.

We believe we have the answers for couples looking for a natural approach to beating PCOS! Join morefertile for a natural, healthy way to grow the family.

(i) Kelton Tremellen, Karma Pearce, Dysbiosis of Gut Microbiota (DOGMA) – A novel theory for the development of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Medical Hypotheses, Volume 79, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 104-112, ISSN 0306-9877
(ii) Nearmeen M. Rashad, et al. Effects of probiotics supplementation on macrophage migration inhibitory factor and clinical laboratory feature of polycystic ovary syndrome, Journal of Functional Foods, Volume 36, 2017, Pages 317-324, ISSN 1756-4646,
Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

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